
This blog's purpose is to chronicle my journey, which I think will be a means of catharsis for me, but the main reason I'm publishing it online is in hopes that it will raise BRCA genetic testing awareness and maybe even help others along their own journey. When it came time to make decisions regarding my medical care, I found that the blogs of other women in similar circumstances were the most helpful for me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love Notes to Family & Friends

I am one day away from my surgery and it has me in a very pensive mood. So I want to communicate my  thoughts, not because I don't think I'll ever have the chance to say them later, but just because I want to write what I feel now before I forget.

First off to my parents; I know I was your problem child but think about it this way, you two me gave me a life so worth living that I am willing to go to radical extremes to preserve it. And dad, I know you feel terrible that this is something you've possibly passed onto us. That means one of your parents passed this gene mutation to you though, and I know you don't harbor any ill will towards them. It's the same for me. Of all the terrible genetic diseases you could have passed to us, you passed us one of the few that is detectable. You gave me life, and yes you gave me a gene that could take my life, but you also gave me, through modern medicine, the chance to detect it. Besides this gene mutation, you passed onto me the strength, wisdom, faith, and fortitude that it takes to make a decision and follow through with something like this. So THANK YOU dad. I would take that silly old mutation any day if it meant having you as a dad.

L, you saved me life. Bottom line. You made a big sacrifice unknowingly by getting cancer and you ended up saving my life. Without your sacrifice I probably would have had to suffer the same way or worse. Thank you is simply not enough for some one who has made a difference in your mortality. So I'll just say I love you and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to pay you back.

G, my second mom. You are the glue that holds this family together. Without you, we wouldn't be as close as we are.

To my brothers, you helped make me as strong as I am. You let me know that no man would get away with hurting me ever. You showed me how to use a computer and how to wiggle my way out of being pinned down for torture. :) Without the strength you imparted on me I don't know that I could be facing this head on like I am. Thank you for marrying such wonderful women. My sister-in-laws, who make me forget the "in-law" part. You ladies are my friends and my sisters. You're beautiful in and out and incredibly thoughtful. Thank you Bernie for being such an instrumental part in my "Big Day" and thank you Garnet for arranging the meal drop offs. You two are fantastic.

My trifecta: I have so many happy memories and I look forward to many more. Thank you for holding me up during break-ups and other heart breaks. Thank you for making me laugh so hard I snort. I can't wait for our next Tlaq night.

To USC-In-Law Friends, you guys welcomed me with open arms and a tackle/mount. I'm so lucky to be a part of your group. You are some of the most intelligent, sweet, and funny people I know. Thank you for taking me in, even though I'm not a college football fan and I like country music. :) I love you guys.

LH- I've never grown so close so quickly to anyone before. Thank you for motivating me to change my lifestyle. For imparting your endless knowledge on me. Thank you for filling my belly time and time again with your amazing concoctions. When I am rich, I will hire you as a personal chef and give you every holiday off. I love you.

I know it seems I've left people off, namely my husband. There are so many wonderful, amazing, spectacular people in my life that I just can't name you all individually. But know if you're in my life, I love you and I appreciate you. Every little thing you do. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have the family and friends that I do. I'll tell you again, I love you! You know who you are!

My husband will get to hear his love note in person. :)

Thanks to everyone for following my blog and for your support. It means so so so so incredibly much to me. XOXO

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