
This blog's purpose is to chronicle my journey, which I think will be a means of catharsis for me, but the main reason I'm publishing it online is in hopes that it will raise BRCA genetic testing awareness and maybe even help others along their own journey. When it came time to make decisions regarding my medical care, I found that the blogs of other women in similar circumstances were the most helpful for me.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Crow Is Not So Tasty

Two posts in one day! I guess I'm making up for the gaps!

In reality, I've been struggling with where I wanted this blog to go, and so I turned to a close friend for advice. She's a fellow blogger and really just an all around savvy girl. J, if you're reading this, I suspect you already know I'm talking about you. ;) Anyway she advised me to surf other blogs for ideas/inspiration. So, feeling motivated today, I did just that. I couldn't be more thankful to J for that advice.

In my search through blogs of other BRCA positive women, I was led to a blog of a woman who was not BRCA+. As the title of this post suggest, I'm eating crow. How is this relevant? Well, my previous post today was pretty self indulgent and I feel pretty terrible about it. Along my journey there have been moments where I'm utterly and completely humbled. Watching my sister L take her own journey down a similar path is one of those moments. Talking to my Boob Buddy (my friend I met on the FORCE FB page, <3 her) is another. Reading this woman's blog (I'll link below) was not only a humbling moment but a wake up call. As I said before, she wasn't BRCA+ but she was tested for it due to the fact that she received a breast cancer diagnosis at the age of 25. I won't tell the whole story, as it's not my story to tell. I'd rather you read it through her blog. I will say though that the battles she fights would have had me curled up in fetal position, yet her blog posts are so upbeat and positive. "Breast cancer at 25? No big deal!" "Lose all my hair? Hair grows back!" I'm not exaggerating. She's amazing.

One of her posts particularly stands out to me. She mentions the offers of help from friends and family. She says she's not really sure how they can help her at the moment. Then she says for now, she hopes people will look into their own lives and figure out how they can better "Live Sincerely." That hits me hard. No more wallowing and self-pity for me. I'm promising to myself and to everyone reading this blog that I'm going to be more positive. I'm going to focus on the blessings I have versus the things taken away from me. I can't guarantee that there won't be setbacks but I vow to pick myself up from the falls and continue back towards a path of positivity and enjoying life.

The link as promised:

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