
This blog's purpose is to chronicle my journey, which I think will be a means of catharsis for me, but the main reason I'm publishing it online is in hopes that it will raise BRCA genetic testing awareness and maybe even help others along their own journey. When it came time to make decisions regarding my medical care, I found that the blogs of other women in similar circumstances were the most helpful for me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Small Enough to Qualify, Your Breasts Are

I met with Dr Kutner, the breast surgeon at Kaiser Santa Theresa, today. She'd been the chief of surgery at Kaiser ST, the chair of Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s Breast Care Task Force, the chair of the Interregional Breast Care Leaders Group and she climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji to raise breast cancer awareness. Yeah, she's pretty bad ass. Needless to say I had a teeny little girl-crush on her. Which I guess was good considering that when I asked her if I was a candidate for a nipple/skin saving mastectomy, she promptly had me lay back and measured my girls with her cold hands. Wait is that good or bad? Regardless she tells me that my breasts are indeed small enough to qualify for a NSM. Gee, thanks Doc. I'm pretty excited that I don't have to say goodbye to my nipples. She warns me there's a chance that the nipples might not survive or that if the in situ biopsy of my cells comes back irregular they would have to take the nipples during surgery. Still, I'm hopeful! She also tells me that if I kept Kaiser, the implant replacement surgery would be covered. This sways me from 95% pro-implant to 100%.

She moves me to the next step, meeting with the plastic surgeon, and tells me she'll see me in the new year.

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